Monday, September 17, 2012

I Could Be Wrong, But…

I am convinced that John McCain threw the 2008 election when he chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. Think about it. How does a relatively intelligent man, a Vietnam Vet, a POW, select an obscure Governor with no name recognition for a running mate? What could possibly be gained by choosing someone with absolutely no interview skills?
  • Don’t get me wrong. I voted for Barack Obama four years ago, and I plan to vote for him a second time.
This election is just as strange. The string of gaffs from Mitt Romney is so outrageous that I can’t help but wonder if the GOP is doing it again. We have just experienced the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. Millions have lost their jobs and/or their homes, and Mitt Romney accuses 47% of Americans of being Lazy Entitlement Collectors? What gives?

Is it possible that the Grand Old Party has decided to take their focus away from the Presidency in favor of Congress, where they can do more damage? Think about it.
The power of the President of the United States is limited. Everything must go through Congress. Sure, the President has an agenda: a direction (s)he wants to take the country. The President has Veto Power, and the President commands the military. But the real power, the real MONEY, is in the Congress. You no doubt remember how Congress held the economy hostage during the 2011 Budget Debates, not to mention the Jobs Bill. Am I so cynical, that I would believe the GOP capable of such underhanded maneuvers?

I don’t want to be a pessimist, but there can be no other reasonable explanation for the irrational behavior of the Republican Party. No one can be that stupid. Unless, they’ve completely written off the Presidency for the more powerful, more profitable, more juicy positions in Congress.

Of course, I could be wrong.
But just in case I’m not, I’m voting straight Democrat this year.

Originally appeared September 17, 2012 here ->

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