Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dad Wasn't Perfect, But...

My Dad wasn't perfect, but neither am I.

This August will mark the nine year anniversary of my Father's passing. He was 62 years old.
My Dad struggled to make a comfortable home for us. Along the way, teaching me never to be afraid or ashamed of the work you needed to do in order to put a roof over your head, or food on the table.
In the 1970s, the economy was much like it is today. Dad was often out of work. On weekends you'd find my Father at flea markets, selling items he found at the curb on trash nights. He knew the Bulk Trash Pick-Up days of all the local municipalities. These were the days when you could put large items out on the curb for trash collection. You'd be surprised what people are willing to throw away. My Father was able to support his family like this for almost two years. Though he hasn't picked trash since the 1970s, he continued to buy and sell flea market items to supplement his income until the end of his life.

By the way - There is nothing wrong with picking through trash in order to support your family. The alternative is to resort to crime, or lose your home.

I'm proud of my Father for that. I credit him for my work ethic.

In August 2003, my Father had a heart attack. It was his third. His Doctors moved him from the smaller Delaware County area hospital to a larger Philadelphia area University Hospital in the hopes that access to more resources would help him recover more quickly.
Though cutting edge, the care wasn't as personable as his local hospital. My Dad was not happy. Against my Stepmother's wishes, he petitioned his healthcare team to relocate him. Though my Stepmother tried to keep my Father where he was, the Doctors relented. By the end of the week, my Dad was relocated to his local hospital.

I talked to my Dad on the phone that Saturday afternoon. He was concerned that I might be mad at him for choosing to return to the smaller hospital. I told him I wasn't angry with him. I believed that he would receive better care at the larger University Hospital, but he is entitled to have his wishes met.

"You're my Father", I said. "I Love you."
"I love you too", he replied, and hung up the phone.

I didn't give it much thought. But when the phone rang at 11:00pm, I knew. For some reason I just knew what I was about to hear. It was my Stepmother. My Father had just died.
After hanging up the phone, I got dressed and left my apartment. I didn't want to be alone. The obvious place for me to go was a local watering hole that had been an important part of my life for almost two decades. I didn't go there to socialize, or get drunk. I just wanted to be surrounded by people.

Through several interactions with people who knew my Dad was in the hospital, I processed this new information.

One acquaintance, who knew my Dad from the flea market circuit, recited several stories told to him by my Father. Apparently, my Dad held me in high regard. He bragged to everyone he knew about every accomplishment in my life, no matter how small. The stories contained such details that I knew he wasn't just telling me what I needed to hear.

My Dad was proud of me. I had never heard him say it. Just like, until that day, I had never heard my Father say I Love You. It was the first time I remember hearing my Father say I Love You to me. I was 38 years old, and I had never heard those words.

I spent the next few weeks in a fog. On one hand, I was sad. On the other hand, my Father's last words to me were, "I Love You". How was I supposed to process this?
I believe my Dad knew he was going to die. I believe he wanted to die close to home. I also believe his last words to me were intentional.

Whether true or not, my Father's last words to me were, "I Love You." Nothing can ever change that. And I will hold onto that for the rest of my life.

After all, my Dad wasn't perfect, but neither am I.

Originally posted June 17, 2012  on tumblr ->