Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ad-Ignorantium (a definition)

Ad Ignorantium  (Add-ignore-ant-tee-um) noun: Statements made by a speaker that are true only to the degree that the listener is paying attention. To appeal to ignorance.
Think "I am not a crook." or "I did not have sex with that woman." Both were true if you weren't paying attention. (...and truly believed them.)
I figured Ad-Ignorantium would fit the internet because no one really knows what is true or not online. However, when I chose that moniker for twitter, I never imagined I'd be so honest. Truly.

I stumbled upon Ad-Ignorantium while searching for something to take the place of my first choice, Non-Sequitur, which was already taken.

Non-Sequitur means "That which does not follow", which is far more appropriate for me.

Now you know.


PS: Follow me on twitter. 